My favourite Samoan word

SASA. That was the first Samoan word that came to mind when asked the question, “What is your favorite Samoan word?” ATUA, was the second. Shouldn’t I have thought of GOD first? Apparently, I need to be disciplined first, to understand the importance of God in my life. Or at least that’s what my twin […]

3 times in history that Samoa fought for freedom

Every Samoan should be proud to know these stories from our history. These will make great bedtime stories for the kids, too.

Tongan King vs the Sons of Atiogie

In the old old days (like from 1200 to 1300), Samoa was ruled by Tonga.

For 100 years even!

It’s ancient history now – no hard feelings – but apparently, the Tongan king at the time was a bit of a tyrant.

Are you using the word “Uso” correctly?

Uso! (or Uce!) Toko! Siana! All terms we use – from different islands in the Pacific – to refer to our brothers. Our buds. Our ride-or-die boyeeeez. All good. But if you want to use the Samoan word uso correctly, especially if you’re speaking with people (like your elders) who might actually get confused if […]